We are all aware of our country's current economic state and the negative impacts it is having on the job market. Highly trained professionals are losing their jobs and less positions are up for grabs.
So, what can a public relations graduate do to be successful during this historical economic crisis? Blogger, Ryan Anderson offered some helpful tips for the entry level public relations individual in a recent post titled,
"Working the Bottom Rung".
Three of Anderson's tips especially stood out in my mind. While they may seem obvious, I feel that they are often overlooked.
"When I started in the industry, one of my team leaders gave me a piece of advice I've given to every junior PR person I have worked with." That piece of advice? Be reliable. Anderson explains the importance of building a positive reputation for yourself in the area of reliability. In order to earn more responsibility and respect from senior members of an organization, you have to prove your ability to complete any task placed before you.
Anderson's second tip is to pay special attention to detail. "It's not enough to merely get the job done." If your work is not excellent, you are creating more work for the individual who must correct your mistakes. It is important to proofread and double check your work prior to submission. "Assume whatever you provide to your superiors will be sent to the client unchecked."
The third tip from Anderson that I found particularly helpful is to "enjoy the grunt work". While photocopying and data research are not the most riveting tasks, they must be completed. Why not complete them with a smile on your face and determination to deliver them well? Not only will this help you to appreciate the tasks, but it will show those around you that you are taking the work seriously.
While it is important to take Anderson's advice to heart, there are other important tips to consider. During my last year of college, I have begun to learn the importance of social media skills. Social media outlets such as facebook, twitter, and blogging are exploding. I feel it is crucial for any junior public relations individual to become confident and comfortable with social media. These skills are in demand, so why not capitalize on them?
If you are truly passionate about public relations and have a drive to succeed, you will. As long as you are willing to work hard and excited to learn, then I believe nothing can hold you back.
images: devedeve.netsons.org